“The Musings of a Swann”

“Musing” = plural noun: a period of reflection or thought.

Psalm 39:3 (NKJV)
My heart was hot within me; While I was musing, the fire burned. Then I spoke with my tongue:

Welcome to “Musings of a Swann”
I am the Swann that is doing the musing. My name is DeWayne Swann and I was raised in Powder Springs Georgia. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior on June 15, 1989, and stood in the Pulpit of Calvary Baptist Church in Powder Springs and brought my first Sermon on July 4, 1990. I have been preaching and teaching The Word of God ever since. I hope to post weekly thoughts and lessons for you, yourself to ponder over and maybe grow a little closer to our Lord, Jesus Christ.

What I will be posting at times are excerpt from my books and others. I will bring you along if you wish to come, as I work on more books and studies of Gods Holy Word.

The above painting was done by Mrs. Sally Lauderdale and is hanging in my Mothers home.

I will be posting weekly devotionals in the WEEKLY DEVOTIONAL section of this website.