Weekly Devotional

I Don’t Understand

I Don’t Understand

by E. DeWayne Swann

The preacher talked of mercy and how it was freely given,

The preacher talked of Grace and how that Jesus took my place,

The preacher told of forgiveness and said all we had to do was ask,

A love that’s everlasting, A love that will forever last,

So, I bowed my head and I ask Jesus into my heart,

He promised He would never leave me, and we would never part.


I don’t understand that Mercy, And I don’t understand that Grace

I don’t understand why He died on that cross, and why that He took my place.

The number of times I’ve fallen, the number of times I’ve sinned

The number of times I’ve told him I’ll never do that again

And before the day is out,

I’ll do the same old thing,

And then I’ll ask for His forgiveness,

And He’s already forgiven me of my sin.


I really don’t understand that Mercy, And I really don’t understand that Grace

I don’t understand why He died on that cross, and why that He took my place.

I know His mercy is shared by each and every one,

I know His Grace is freely given to any who will ask,

God gave us the final sacrifice when He gave us his Son

He forgave us for all our sins, Now and the future and any we have done,

It was freely given to all people like me and you,

The day that Jesus said Father forgive them for they know not what they do.


I may never understand that Mercy, And I may never understand that Grace

I may never understand why He died on that cross, and why that He took my place.

One day I’ll surely see Him, and maybe I’ll understand,

When He put His arms around me with His nail pierced hands,

When We walk the streets of glory,

And He tells that old, old story,

Of how that blood was shed for me,

Then maybe on that day I will see.

And then,

I might understand His Mercy, And I might understand His Grace

I might understand why He died on His cross, and why He had to take my place.

Until then,

I truly thank him for His Mercy, And I truly thank him for His Grace

And I truly thank Him that He died on His cross, and that He took my place.


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