Weekly Devotional

Making the Most of Your Walk With God Part 2

Making the Most of Your Walk With God

Part 2


Making the Most of the Time We Have.



Psalm 1:4-6 (NKJV)
4 The ungodly are not so, But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.
5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6 For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the ungodly shall perish.



  1. LOOK INSIDE. What are you becoming? Vv.3,4


v.4 The ungodly are not so….

LOOK INSIDE…. WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING? Are you like a tree planted? Are you like the chaff that the wind blows away? You might fool people, but what’s inside will be revealed in given time.


  1. LOOK AHEAD. How will you be judged? Vv. 5,6

There is a destiny we will all be a part of. Up ahead…. judgment day is coming!

(a) Will you be judged among the ungodly? The ungodly will not be able to stand on judgment day. V.5 the ungodly shall not stand They will not have a leg to stand on. They will not have an excuse to stand on. They’ve made all kinds of excuses why they can’t come to church; why they can’t be saved today; Excuses…Excuses…but on that day they will not be able to stand on any excuse. They won’t be able to stand on their own self-righteousness. They won’t be able to stand and look God in the eye.

In Heaven there will only be one congregation. V.5 “the congregation of the righteous” There will be no sinners in that congregation. Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats. There will be one pure, holy, godly congregation. The congregation of the redeemed; the congregation of the those who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb! A Holy Congregation! If I wasn’t in that congregation…I would do business today with the Lord!


Look Ahead——-How will you be judged?

v.6 The Lord knows the way of the righteous; but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Jesus knows the way of the righteous. He knows His own. He knows their ways. It is the way of the cross. It is the way of repentance and faith in Christ. It is the ONLY way!


The ungodly has their own way. The way of their own. The way of do as you please. The way of the world. The way of self-righteousness. The way of works. The way of man-made religion.

Look ahead…. how will you be judged?

To make the most of your walk with God….it begins by godly influences. Godly influence will result in what you become on the inside…godly character. Godly character is what God is looking for…He’s looking for His own. Ungodly ways will not stand on judgment day.

A certain courthouse in Ohio stands in a unique location. Raindrops that fall on the northside of the building go into Lake Ontario and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, while those falling on the south side go into the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. At precisely the point of the peak of the roof, just a gentle puff of wind can determine the destiny of many raindrops. It will make a difference of more than 2,000 miles as to their final destination. The spiritual application is clear. By the smallest deed or choice of words we might set in motion influences that could change the course of others’ lives here and now and could also affect their eternal destiny.


Our Daily Bread, June 12, 1994.

Sow a thought, and you reap an act;

Sow an act, and you reap a habit;

Sow a habit, and you reap a character;

Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.

– Charles Reade

In a British cemetery:

Pause my friend, as you walk by

As you are now, so once was I

As I am now so you will be

Prepare my friend, to follow me.

A visitor added,

To follow you is not my intent

Until I know which way you went!

Destiny is determined not by chances but by choices.



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