Weekly Devotional



Three Prayers that we pray, I believe every prayer falls into one of these categories.

1. Prayer of acceptance; (Salvation) Repent 180 degrees, Confession (acknowledge you have sinned) = verb feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one’s wrongdoing or sin.

2. Prayer of petition; Asking for something.

3. Prayer of Praise. 2 parts;

          Adoration (Thanking Him for who He is)

          Thanksgiving (Thanking Him for what He has done)

Answered before we asked;

A missionary family in Africa years ago had 2 small children.

The second being born after they arrived on the mission field. The youngest was sickly and needed much care. It had to be wrapped in blankets most of the time to ensure that it stayed warm enough. The mother was heard to say, over and over, “I wish we had a hot water bottle.” Her thinking was that with a hot water bottle, she could place it next to the child and provide it some heat. After a few weeks, a package arrived from England. In that package were several items that were sent to the family anonymously to help them in their new location. Among the items, there was a hot water bottle. The mother thanked God, but couldn’t recall having prayed for it. As the last of the items were taken out of the box, the oldest child came to her mother and said, “Where’s my new baby doll?” Her mother responded, “There isn’t a doll in here.” The little girl asked them to look again, and when they did, under all the packing material was a little, new baby doll. The mother asked the girl how she knew there was a doll in there. She said, “Well, when i asked God to send a hot water bottle for the baby, I asked Him to send me a dolly.” This story becomes even more remarkable when we stop to consider that this package had to travel to Africa first by ship, then by pack animals until it reached the family. It began its journey some 6 months before the baby had been born and before the little girl had ever begun to pray for those things!

What a God we serve!

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